The Social Services Department is a resident’s advocate throughout their stay at Rest Haven.
The resident’s needs are assessed, and a comprehensive personal history is prepared and maintained, so we understand the unique needs of every individual..
Personal visits with their social worker will allow residents to express their feelings, ask questions, address concerns, or just spend some quality time with someone who will listen. A social worker can also provide information on community resources, such as transitioning home post-therapy, finding support services for various needs, or choosing a hospice agency when the time arrives.
Frequent communication between families and Rest Haven is always encouraged to address the needs and concerns of our residents, and our social workers are the center point of this communication.

Additionally, Care Plan Meetings with our interdisciplinary team and resident family members are held quarterly to regularly attend to the changing needs of all our residents.
From admission to discharge, short-term or long-term, Social Services is there to assist in the journey.